Tuesday, June 9, 2015

the purposeful mystery

       Life is the still unraveled mystery we constantly wish to comprehend, yet as we charge to find its missing answers in unknown whereabouts the deeper it thickens in its enigma of confusion. We altogether yearn for the most part to elude its needless confused notion, rather to refer to its logical reasoning. The need for its understanding leads us to needing to confirm our place in its given canvas, all the way to the sound knowledge of why and how distinct circumstances transpire for certain unclear purposes to our known wisdom with it often looming large.
      The heavy toll of a mysterious view that we encompass with an existence that perfectly captures our essence incessantly wonders and also wanders for a perfected and sound knowledge of life. This state of enticement for what doesn't appear apparent makes our mental hunger for its hidden truth that much more palpable in its relevancy. It is however that hidden distinction that gives life a certain profoundly relevant aura that further broadens as we develop in our own processed human growth.
       It is that very mystery that blossoms our wherewithal of the processed cycle of life, our furthered understanding of our specific place in this societal landscape and why  each of our existences has a purpose and lastly why life itself has a distinct and auspiciously profound meaning. We would love to have the meaning of life all figured out, yet there's a beauty of connecting the pieces of its invisible worth that makes it a very alluring mystery that is quite honestly very fulfilling is its invisible scope.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Make your judgement the only one

Perceived Judgements don't at all start your pondered discussion what you cordially represent does, your self knowledge of what you represent and why it beautifully matters to you starts your formal discussion, while the unfurling and blossoming  view your conclusively meant to somehow and someday present gloriously just finishes it.
 The representation of the qualities that you put forth now and in future days ahead makes your existence an all important meaning still progressing in the current portrait of the snapshot picture you right now exude.
You therefore stand as a blossoming structured human being with more to simplistically offer than just a primitive physical look made to appear in a stance. A wondered being filled with so much diversity and complexity that varies, alters, and like clay is made to be carefully molded into the finished piece of crafted art that its meant to become when further sculpted through time. That while quiet to others rings very loudly in one's heart, and that should shine with an unheralded glow to one's mind in one's proper personal set time frame.
           Your judgement is made to be an unfinished and incomplete thought as it strides in the marathon of your elusive search for total self completion, sound to your very own reasoning is where its logic shines the brightest, Making it resoundingly difficult for others to truly define the distinct definition of  your own light, guesses and best attempted assumptions can't passively do it for you and doesn't properly exhibit you correctly as a beginning and finished noted thought. The reason for that is due to that light only being able to be personally measured in self contention and garnered self appreciation, where only then can it truly resonate in all its set glory.
       The key for the definition lies within the confines of the mind, thoughts to be opened later on like an unread letter in the soul of your hearts external spirit. No one else other than you can provide the intricate details that makes your unique existence a grand created distinct expression found in your own computed human nature. Your self resonance lies within you so why leave the inaccurate representation in the allotted hands of someone else's provocation, when they can't define you as good and as  profoundly thorough as you can, as your continuing to fully craft your still ongoing concrete self meaning.
     It may not be completed but the words to your unfinished statement and the resonance of your yet to be completed thought will garner the missing words and will showcase the full completed shine of your light, so in the meantime don't let your star's sparkling light get dwindled in the perceived declared judgements of others non clarity, when its you who holds the metaphorical batteries to your essentially formed glimmering star.