As humans we are filled with emotions some in full effect and some in the background waiting for it's presence to become known. There is a huge difference between the good vibes and feelings that one encounters and the bad ones. The good emotions need no altering, they need no adjusting or fixing and one's emotional state is at it's euphoric heights. A person's bad emotions however is the complete opposite, where one may have to feel the rough burden of a trying day, a painful and tough moment or may have just had a hard time in coming to grips with one of life sudden painful experiences. This particular blog post is for those trying to get through those rough times.
This current moment in your life while being strong at the moment will eventually be a fleeting one,will eventually fade into the background slowly and quietly and life will resume forward with its better days. In my mind a bad day or bad days entered into one's life is a momentary and inconsistent visit of bad moments that serve as a test to strengthen and encourage positive change in one's outlook, day, and attitude to help you further appreciate the good, all while acknowledging the prestige it delivers; so my best advice through a current hardship is to simply wait, wait for your sunshine through the cloudy rain, and your forming smile through the hidden cracking of a soon to be shattered frown, the relevant darkness currently found is no match for the incoming beautiful rainbow that is up next and sure to astound. Knowing that it will come and believing in it's wondrous power allicits the quickening of it's eventual arrival and the soothing benefited knowledge that you can get through practically anything, it just requires you to have the initiated belief that you can and chances are you probably will, the key is to simply never lose hope in effectively trying.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
hyperbaly gone too far
words in our society are very common place as it should be, and it is to our benefit that it is so, how we chose our words and our powerful declaration to emphatically make statement however comes with both the good and the bad. Now i can go on about offensive language and the things we should and should not say, but i think that the majority at large already knows what is and what is not acceptable language, and in certain situations knows the words that we should and shouldn't say. this particular blog post in particular is about the constant need of hyperbole which is shown now more than ever as an often used and overall effectively seen practice. Let me know if any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you go to a movie and after it's over you hear the group next to you say how epic it was, which is fine if there is no doubt about how remarkable of a film it is but why can't it just be considered great, moving or even just very good.
It doesn't end there with movies however have you ever heard of a review of an album with the word incredible attached on to it's synopsis along with five other albums having the same word used to describe it,which makes you wonder does the latest album you heard have to be incredible why can't it just be really good or just simply nice in terms of an enjoyable listening experience. My problem is not necessarily with people's opinions or with these words it's with the over usage of them diminishing the true value of what that word signifies and the importance that it holds
Words that should be used for precious and valuable things, on special occasions for incredible works or art get lumped in often times with good content, that while being effective in it's purpose to entertain is not as prestigious as something that is truly masterful or phenomenal in it's end result. By using something too much it tends to start losing it's value, diminishing it's luster in the process and with entertainment in particular it can place a potential skepticism on the true and deserved warranted praise that something should ultimately receive. The true greatness of something is truly subjective based off of your own appreciation for it, the value that you place upon it, and and the universal love that it compiles it is those qualities that make something incredible, outstanding, and Amazing.
There have been many things that we all love, that we all get an unforgetable feeling from and that makes our day, but there is a fine line difference between an enjoyable and good nostalgic album and an all time classic. Differentiating from what good and what's great, what's enjoyable and what's unforgetable, helps put works of art into it's proper context all while squaring it up perfectly for it's rightfully viewed framework all while shedding the proper praise to it's conclusive greatness,value and impact.
It doesn't end there with movies however have you ever heard of a review of an album with the word incredible attached on to it's synopsis along with five other albums having the same word used to describe it,which makes you wonder does the latest album you heard have to be incredible why can't it just be really good or just simply nice in terms of an enjoyable listening experience. My problem is not necessarily with people's opinions or with these words it's with the over usage of them diminishing the true value of what that word signifies and the importance that it holds
Words that should be used for precious and valuable things, on special occasions for incredible works or art get lumped in often times with good content, that while being effective in it's purpose to entertain is not as prestigious as something that is truly masterful or phenomenal in it's end result. By using something too much it tends to start losing it's value, diminishing it's luster in the process and with entertainment in particular it can place a potential skepticism on the true and deserved warranted praise that something should ultimately receive. The true greatness of something is truly subjective based off of your own appreciation for it, the value that you place upon it, and and the universal love that it compiles it is those qualities that make something incredible, outstanding, and Amazing.
There have been many things that we all love, that we all get an unforgetable feeling from and that makes our day, but there is a fine line difference between an enjoyable and good nostalgic album and an all time classic. Differentiating from what good and what's great, what's enjoyable and what's unforgetable, helps put works of art into it's proper context all while squaring it up perfectly for it's rightfully viewed framework all while shedding the proper praise to it's conclusive greatness,value and impact.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
What's in a number
In life we consistently strive to be number 1, to be the best all to serve as the self vindication of personal pride towards who we are; because if we are then it proves and validates just how great we are, all as we look at that number and ideal as the means to our own self prestige and solitified appreciation. Being number one feels special, thereby making us feel the same, where thereafter we can truly value and congratulate our own wonderfully found individual greatness. In this chase for the number one spot which by all tense and purposes is worthy to be sought after, it does however diminish the appreciation for any other number that could be had underestimating the priveledge that should be garnered for other numbers in which people get placed in. the priveledge towards one self should happen if you're good at something and do well enough to be placed among the best. It is that instinctive need for a particular top spot that undercuts you achieved success and greatness, devalues a hard earn perception of an appreciated talent garnared by others towards your amazing gift.
In life there's only one number one spot, but should that diminish the privelegde of other numbers that should cherished as well. If I were to make a top ten of best musical acts would if be that much of a discredit to the beach boys if I placed them at number 6 or if I were to consider Eddie Murphy the fourth best comedian I've ever heard? The resounding answer to that question for me is a resounding No. It doesn't downgrade your talents or greatness not to be number one if anything it just solitifies the depth of the competition around you, the sheer difficulty of just what it takes to be number oneand the prestige that it garners. A number is just a number but a belief in one's perceived greatness is the actual truth towards one's complimented talent. A list may or may not do it enough justice and a championship can only be given to one team, even though there are many who are worthy of competing for it and also winning it as well.
You don't need a championship to be a winner, and you don't need the number one spot to solitify your shinning greatness, you just need the belief that you are, the accepted confidence in your worth, and the appreciated vindication that your best alone makes you the prominent winner you've wish to become all along.
In life there's only one number one spot, but should that diminish the privelegde of other numbers that should cherished as well. If I were to make a top ten of best musical acts would if be that much of a discredit to the beach boys if I placed them at number 6 or if I were to consider Eddie Murphy the fourth best comedian I've ever heard? The resounding answer to that question for me is a resounding No. It doesn't downgrade your talents or greatness not to be number one if anything it just solitifies the depth of the competition around you, the sheer difficulty of just what it takes to be number oneand the prestige that it garners. A number is just a number but a belief in one's perceived greatness is the actual truth towards one's complimented talent. A list may or may not do it enough justice and a championship can only be given to one team, even though there are many who are worthy of competing for it and also winning it as well.
You don't need a championship to be a winner, and you don't need the number one spot to solitify your shinning greatness, you just need the belief that you are, the accepted confidence in your worth, and the appreciated vindication that your best alone makes you the prominent winner you've wish to become all along.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
A Patience's value
they say patience is a virtue while it is I also view it as a neccessaty. We need patience in our lives not too much of it but not too little of it as well. The balancing act of how much we allow ourselves to require it helps us to know whether we captured the right amount in the times we need it most. Patience can be a tricky weapon there can be a fine line of when to use it and when not to but it is up to an inner truth that we possess within us that provides the correct timing of it's use. Knowing it's importance is half the battle understanding it's neccessary timimng is the other,finding the windows of opportunity when it's meaning is most prevalent and implementing it into a necessary given situation is where its value truly shines, then and only then can you value the virtue of patience and an unhibitted freedom it relinquishes within you
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Our destiny
Destiny, we all have one and we are primarily placed on this earth for that main reason to get to that resolute destination. We often yearn to control it, stop it, rearrange it, and get it to transform to our own individual liking. We tend to fight with what can't be grappled with, all while trying to elude the inevitable. We can't prevent our Destinies' from occurring, each destiny is cemented as our unpredictable fate that's yet to be met. Our destiny's is our mystery and while we may not be able to change our destiny for our lives we can alter ourselves for it. We can grow, transform our individual distinction regardless of our destinies helping us alter into a possible new one. So while we can't help where were destined to be, we can certainly effect the growth of our concluded individual beings where good or bad the dictation of our individual greatness isn't determined through our profession but rather through our slowly well adjusted human blossoming. This is the destiny that holds the greatest purposeful destination of where we ultimately want to be
Thursday, February 11, 2016
A classic in the making
What makes a classic. That undeniable work of art that finds a protected space in one's heart standing the test of time to be foever loved by millions. Throughout history there have been many classic albums, movies, classic games and TV shows. The question is why are they considered that and how have they manage to stay prominemt in entertainment lure.
There are a few responses to these questions that I will discuss below and the first answer to provide a reasonable answer to this topic of what makes a classic is it's quality. All forms of entertainment whether a movie, tv show, classic game, book, or album gains that oh so cherished classic rating based off the strong level of quality it establishes; the greater the quality usually means the greater the impact, this concept can also work with in reverse with art so horrible you have no choice but to remember back on it and laugh or remember it nonetheless due to it's disastrous nature reaching epic proportions.
Another factor in determining a classic is its Time frame when something was made, the impact that it had on you when you were younger, it's revolutionary impact on it's artistic medium and the fond memories you associate with that particular piece of entertaining content can have just as much of an impact as how good it's end result ultimately comes out to be. poingnent and important works of art from music TV and movies are in many cases helped by the by the simple timing of when it came out the popularity it thereafter gained paving the way for the important iconic status it holds today.
Importance whether it was different, new or revolutionary at the time the importance a work of art has to the medium of it's genre plays an important role as well of allowing it to reach classic status. Classic Albums like pet sounds and Sgt. pepper, or classic shows like I love Lucy and Seinfeld all added something new to both television and music and have been rewarded with their risk to be different and progressive ever since through their praise and their unbreakable staying power and relevance to this day.
Replay value we all have an album we've listened to countless times, a movie we just can't get enough of a song that we can listen to a hundred more times, and an episode from a TV show that is just too entertaining not to want to relieve it once more. A classic in my opinion has to have some level of this for it to be considered as such. Entertaining content whether a movie a video game, a song, album or a TV show needs that replay ability to show and prove its value, something that is truly appreciated and adored when it comes to entertainment really showcases its worth and overall impact to the owner who has it, or to the newcomer who grows to appreciate it. Through our constant viewing, or listening or playing we show its value to us and the strong appreciation and appreciated meaning it holds to us as well.
Time, how we remember something, why we remember something, the appreciation we go on to have for what becomes so beloved to us I feel is all associated with time. Memories built up through time to collect enough of a wherewithal to garner a distinct recollection that transitions itself into a beloved memory; transpires through the time we give that object of appreciation to grow in our hearts and minds. Endured time further expands our love and fondness of everything that represents what a classic is.
A classic is less judged on by an opinion than a memory, shines with an even brighter glow as time dictates it should uses a set time frame as a launching pad to it's enduring legacy and provides enough quality that it makes it virtually impossible not to indulge into it's entertaining greatness multiple times over. It is what time deems it to be what reality can't deny of it and what we fondly remember it as being, A classic.
There are a few responses to these questions that I will discuss below and the first answer to provide a reasonable answer to this topic of what makes a classic is it's quality. All forms of entertainment whether a movie, tv show, classic game, book, or album gains that oh so cherished classic rating based off the strong level of quality it establishes; the greater the quality usually means the greater the impact, this concept can also work with in reverse with art so horrible you have no choice but to remember back on it and laugh or remember it nonetheless due to it's disastrous nature reaching epic proportions.
Another factor in determining a classic is its Time frame when something was made, the impact that it had on you when you were younger, it's revolutionary impact on it's artistic medium and the fond memories you associate with that particular piece of entertaining content can have just as much of an impact as how good it's end result ultimately comes out to be. poingnent and important works of art from music TV and movies are in many cases helped by the by the simple timing of when it came out the popularity it thereafter gained paving the way for the important iconic status it holds today.
Importance whether it was different, new or revolutionary at the time the importance a work of art has to the medium of it's genre plays an important role as well of allowing it to reach classic status. Classic Albums like pet sounds and Sgt. pepper, or classic shows like I love Lucy and Seinfeld all added something new to both television and music and have been rewarded with their risk to be different and progressive ever since through their praise and their unbreakable staying power and relevance to this day.
Replay value we all have an album we've listened to countless times, a movie we just can't get enough of a song that we can listen to a hundred more times, and an episode from a TV show that is just too entertaining not to want to relieve it once more. A classic in my opinion has to have some level of this for it to be considered as such. Entertaining content whether a movie a video game, a song, album or a TV show needs that replay ability to show and prove its value, something that is truly appreciated and adored when it comes to entertainment really showcases its worth and overall impact to the owner who has it, or to the newcomer who grows to appreciate it. Through our constant viewing, or listening or playing we show its value to us and the strong appreciation and appreciated meaning it holds to us as well.
Time, how we remember something, why we remember something, the appreciation we go on to have for what becomes so beloved to us I feel is all associated with time. Memories built up through time to collect enough of a wherewithal to garner a distinct recollection that transitions itself into a beloved memory; transpires through the time we give that object of appreciation to grow in our hearts and minds. Endured time further expands our love and fondness of everything that represents what a classic is.
A classic is less judged on by an opinion than a memory, shines with an even brighter glow as time dictates it should uses a set time frame as a launching pad to it's enduring legacy and provides enough quality that it makes it virtually impossible not to indulge into it's entertaining greatness multiple times over. It is what time deems it to be what reality can't deny of it and what we fondly remember it as being, A classic.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Cam the Man Newton
With the Great play of Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton it begs the question how high is his ceiling and how much more success can he aquire at the quarterback position? I say while there's a 50/50 percent that he may not go down as the greatest ever he has all the tools and ability I believe to be a top 5 all time nfl qb when it's all set and done.
Newton ability talent is truly a sight to behold and one to marvel at as well. With a duel attack of both running and passing with pretty good effiency, he is a matchup nightmare for opposing coaches and defenses. This season has easily been Newton's best thus far and due to his great play he is the odds on favorite to win the MVP this season, he is dynamic, electric and simply just fun to watch play the game of football.
The Scary part in Cam Newton's game is that there is still room for improvement, and at the young age of 26 that is truly a frightening thought for the rest of the NFL.
Newton's play reminiscent of previous quarterbacks the likes of Randall Cunningham, Warren Moon, Michael Vick and Donovan Mcnabb, has a chance barring injuries to surpass those great predicessors as he stakes his claim to be the very best. Newton already a difficult player to prepare for is just at the beginning of his prime and looks as thought he is well on his way to becoming an unstoppable force in the league. His speed as a runner and his accuracy as a quarterback; and the fact that he has gotten the best out of a subpar receiving cast makes Newton makes what Newton has accomplished this season that much more impressive; making him all the more dangerous. If Newton can have this great of a season with not a lot around him offensively, which the likes of Manning, Brady, Palmer and Roethlisberger have had the luxury of benefitting from all season one can only imagine how much better he could be, and his season would have been if he had a better receiving core to throw to. Newton is young, talented, and most importantly hungry, and looks as though he is just entering his prime with plenty of great years of great football play to come.
To be fair Newton does have a great defense and a very good and balanced running attack but Newton is the straw that stirs the drink and the engine that makes the team go. No one knows how Newton's career will end up, including myself but based on everything he has already shown us and his potential to get even better with an intact roster further adding to what it already has the sky is the limit for this young qb and the Carolina Pathers.
Does Newton have a long ways to go to even be considered among some of the best to play his position, why yes of course he does and even Newton himself would be the first to admit that, but given the growth he's already displayed as a young quarterback, the leader he's become, the professionalism he's attained and the work he continues to put into his position, barring management or injuries I truly don't see anything stopping Cam Newton from being a top 5 quarteback to ever play this game; he truly is that special of a football player one that in my mind will only get better as time goes by.
Newton ability talent is truly a sight to behold and one to marvel at as well. With a duel attack of both running and passing with pretty good effiency, he is a matchup nightmare for opposing coaches and defenses. This season has easily been Newton's best thus far and due to his great play he is the odds on favorite to win the MVP this season, he is dynamic, electric and simply just fun to watch play the game of football.
The Scary part in Cam Newton's game is that there is still room for improvement, and at the young age of 26 that is truly a frightening thought for the rest of the NFL.
Newton's play reminiscent of previous quarterbacks the likes of Randall Cunningham, Warren Moon, Michael Vick and Donovan Mcnabb, has a chance barring injuries to surpass those great predicessors as he stakes his claim to be the very best. Newton already a difficult player to prepare for is just at the beginning of his prime and looks as thought he is well on his way to becoming an unstoppable force in the league. His speed as a runner and his accuracy as a quarterback; and the fact that he has gotten the best out of a subpar receiving cast makes Newton makes what Newton has accomplished this season that much more impressive; making him all the more dangerous. If Newton can have this great of a season with not a lot around him offensively, which the likes of Manning, Brady, Palmer and Roethlisberger have had the luxury of benefitting from all season one can only imagine how much better he could be, and his season would have been if he had a better receiving core to throw to. Newton is young, talented, and most importantly hungry, and looks as though he is just entering his prime with plenty of great years of great football play to come.
To be fair Newton does have a great defense and a very good and balanced running attack but Newton is the straw that stirs the drink and the engine that makes the team go. No one knows how Newton's career will end up, including myself but based on everything he has already shown us and his potential to get even better with an intact roster further adding to what it already has the sky is the limit for this young qb and the Carolina Pathers.
Does Newton have a long ways to go to even be considered among some of the best to play his position, why yes of course he does and even Newton himself would be the first to admit that, but given the growth he's already displayed as a young quarterback, the leader he's become, the professionalism he's attained and the work he continues to put into his position, barring management or injuries I truly don't see anything stopping Cam Newton from being a top 5 quarteback to ever play this game; he truly is that special of a football player one that in my mind will only get better as time goes by.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
The power of friendship
Friendship what does it mean to you? In life if we are fortunate enough, we are rewarded with the powerful gift of friendship in which our paths cross with a special person we are bound and destined to have a great human relationship with; where we have the granted fortune to go on a magical journey in life paired with that particular person through a wonderful shared bond.In life's tough times many of us are blessed with a support system people perfect for getting us through tough times and all in all making our lives that much better.
We should expect that to come with our families because as we are connected to them in one way shape or another, and born into instant relationship with one family member to the next where as a friendship however is not one that were instantly born with but one that were instead pleasantly given at any moment. A friendship can occur at any time, and at any place, and with a strong bond can last a lifetime.
A Family is suppose to be there for you, where as true friends choose to be. Friends can impact people's lives in a major way whether it be through their consistent support, through their appreciation of you through their understanding of what makes you special that you may not see but they easily do; a friend can both value who you are, all while treasuring their special relationship with you, and the best kind of friends will be sure to stick around for the long haul.
A friendship and especially the best kinds are never forced, never difficult to maintain, and consistently provides a meaningful value to our everyday lives. We can tell a friend anything that's on our minds and recipricate that right back to them, They can comfort us in our most emotionally distraught life periods and we value them as both a person and a friend to do the exact same thing in their time of need as well. A friendship truly is a precious gift to have a fond appreciation for, to have somebody care about you enough to want to engage in time with you and for you to want to reciprocate those same exact feeling makes for a special connection that serves as life's many great gifts. With friends memories can be made, good times can be had, and simple wonderful conversations can be shared, and serves to adding to the rich quality of one's life.
Friends are important, their needed, and provide an unspoken magic to everyday human interactions and continue the evolution of cherished human connections; through friendships were connected, viewed fondly in one's eyes, and are given the space to grow as people through the positive impact that a friendship can lend. To those who have friends appreciate what you have with them, know that it's not a right but rather a privilege to be granted one, and appreciate what the distinction of a mere friendship has meant to your life what it has done for your everyday existence; and how meaningful it can be in the lives of others. There's a reason why many of us have one and in many cases more than one because whether it's through a shared laugh, bond, an appreciation of common interest or involved life moments we know deep down inside that living without them would make for a much less pleasurable life journey and a conclusively lessened human life experience.
We should expect that to come with our families because as we are connected to them in one way shape or another, and born into instant relationship with one family member to the next where as a friendship however is not one that were instantly born with but one that were instead pleasantly given at any moment. A friendship can occur at any time, and at any place, and with a strong bond can last a lifetime.
A Family is suppose to be there for you, where as true friends choose to be. Friends can impact people's lives in a major way whether it be through their consistent support, through their appreciation of you through their understanding of what makes you special that you may not see but they easily do; a friend can both value who you are, all while treasuring their special relationship with you, and the best kind of friends will be sure to stick around for the long haul.
A friendship and especially the best kinds are never forced, never difficult to maintain, and consistently provides a meaningful value to our everyday lives. We can tell a friend anything that's on our minds and recipricate that right back to them, They can comfort us in our most emotionally distraught life periods and we value them as both a person and a friend to do the exact same thing in their time of need as well. A friendship truly is a precious gift to have a fond appreciation for, to have somebody care about you enough to want to engage in time with you and for you to want to reciprocate those same exact feeling makes for a special connection that serves as life's many great gifts. With friends memories can be made, good times can be had, and simple wonderful conversations can be shared, and serves to adding to the rich quality of one's life.
Friends are important, their needed, and provide an unspoken magic to everyday human interactions and continue the evolution of cherished human connections; through friendships were connected, viewed fondly in one's eyes, and are given the space to grow as people through the positive impact that a friendship can lend. To those who have friends appreciate what you have with them, know that it's not a right but rather a privilege to be granted one, and appreciate what the distinction of a mere friendship has meant to your life what it has done for your everyday existence; and how meaningful it can be in the lives of others. There's a reason why many of us have one and in many cases more than one because whether it's through a shared laugh, bond, an appreciation of common interest or involved life moments we know deep down inside that living without them would make for a much less pleasurable life journey and a conclusively lessened human life experience.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
The Improbable Warriors start
In sports there comes a time when a team has one of those special seasons, a magical season that has everyone's attention, and emphasizes how great a team truly is and that is precisely what is going on right now with the golden State warriors incredible year thus far. With a start only rivaled by the Chicago Bulls the Warriors are an astounding 36-3 with no signs of remotely slowing down anytime soon. With tremendous guardplay and a championship already notched under their belt combined with a terrific team chemistry and depth it is no wonder they are title contenders yet again and the odds on favorite to win it all this season. Powered by the league MVP Steph Curry who has continued his stellar play from his MVP season last year, the Warriors are not only the most exciting team to watch in the NBA but it can be argued that they are the most exciting team to watch in all of sports right now. Considering the way they play why wouldn't they be? afterall, their ability to move the basketball, hit three point shots, defend, accompanied by their run and gun style is easy basketball viewing to visually take in and enjoy; and their tremendous start only adds to their magnetic appeal.
Their talented roster which is spearheaded by a dynamic duo and extremely effective one-two punch of Stephen curry and Clay Thomson is hard enough to contend with, but add an all star talent the likes of Draymond Green and Andre Iguodala , and great role players to round out a well oiled and well balanced machine such as Shaun Livingston and Leandro Barbosa and you have an utter handful to deal with. Many expected great things for the team this year but this astonishing start was a definite surprise to many, especially coming from a team fresh off of a tittle winning season the year prior. Now due to their excellent start there are talks of a potential record tying 72-10 season which would tie the impressive Bulls mark accomplished in their 1995-96 season; and even discussions of whether they could surpassed that magical bulls season. They may not have accoplished what the bulls have as they are still very far away from their wonderful accomplishments and memorable legacy, but what they have succeeded in much like the bulls, is making regular season basketball meaningful again. Their exciting brand of basketball their high scoring nature and their Superstar MVP has helped make this season's warriors team both important and Special.
The jury is out on how long they can maintain this stretch if fantastic play and not wear down as the season moves along, but with a young team, a tremendous backcourt and a superstar talent is the clear MVP things are definately looking good for a potential long sustained run of dominance; that is if any other team in the Western conference team has anything to say about it.
They may not be the bulls and may not have the resumes and legacies of other iconic NBA teams and players yet but what they do have is time. Time to showcase their team greatness on a night in night out basis and greatly add to what they've already accomplished.
The warriors are young, motivated and play as if they have something to prove and that's how good teams become great, great teams become champions, and champions become dynasties. The jury may still be out on whether or not this team in particular can become one but given their talent, Stephen Curry's ability to get even better as an NBA talent and the potential for their nucleus to stay intact this team in my mind will be around for a very long time to comes, threatening for more NBA titles, and cementing their legacies as one of the greatest teams that the NBA has ever had.
Their talented roster which is spearheaded by a dynamic duo and extremely effective one-two punch of Stephen curry and Clay Thomson is hard enough to contend with, but add an all star talent the likes of Draymond Green and Andre Iguodala , and great role players to round out a well oiled and well balanced machine such as Shaun Livingston and Leandro Barbosa and you have an utter handful to deal with. Many expected great things for the team this year but this astonishing start was a definite surprise to many, especially coming from a team fresh off of a tittle winning season the year prior. Now due to their excellent start there are talks of a potential record tying 72-10 season which would tie the impressive Bulls mark accomplished in their 1995-96 season; and even discussions of whether they could surpassed that magical bulls season. They may not have accoplished what the bulls have as they are still very far away from their wonderful accomplishments and memorable legacy, but what they have succeeded in much like the bulls, is making regular season basketball meaningful again. Their exciting brand of basketball their high scoring nature and their Superstar MVP has helped make this season's warriors team both important and Special.
The jury is out on how long they can maintain this stretch if fantastic play and not wear down as the season moves along, but with a young team, a tremendous backcourt and a superstar talent is the clear MVP things are definately looking good for a potential long sustained run of dominance; that is if any other team in the Western conference team has anything to say about it.
They may not be the bulls and may not have the resumes and legacies of other iconic NBA teams and players yet but what they do have is time. Time to showcase their team greatness on a night in night out basis and greatly add to what they've already accomplished.
The warriors are young, motivated and play as if they have something to prove and that's how good teams become great, great teams become champions, and champions become dynasties. The jury may still be out on whether or not this team in particular can become one but given their talent, Stephen Curry's ability to get even better as an NBA talent and the potential for their nucleus to stay intact this team in my mind will be around for a very long time to comes, threatening for more NBA titles, and cementing their legacies as one of the greatest teams that the NBA has ever had.
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