Friday, September 4, 2015

Hope will always be a key

What is hope? How do we hold on it? These questions are prevalent for every living soul walking the face of the earth today. Hope in definition is defined by a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Inside of us we all hold some semblance of hope, some in a smaller context and others do so on a much larger scale. Whatever the size,we use it as the fuel for our distinction, the guide for our desired life journey, the helpful push to our dreams conquest, and most importantly as the internal spiritual calling to get us through tough times. Certain distinct circumstances may bring about this useful need for it's power. through tough times hope uplifts us, aid us, encourages us, and often times benefits us in any en devour we wish to accomplish. It helps us through any saddened mood we internally hold and .helps spark the self positivity we may for the moment have missing within us. Hope is never magically set as it has to be generated to be successfully garnered from within and hopefully if were lucky enough it can be sparked for us through others in our lives, or in the specific way we see others live theirs.
The fashion in which we attain it is less important than the overall significance of keeping its important meaning within us to begin with, which leads to my second question how do we hold on to it. That can be a rather difficult question to answer, many may have an easier time keeping a strong and consistent postive hope stached in their heart and minds, all while for others this can a very difficult task and can be rather challenging with life's consistent nature of mixing the good with the bad into the fabric of our ongoing lives.
Facing obstacles can breed frustration, that apparent frustration then quietly can proceed to culminate gradually into stress, stress can then lead into sadness, and its sustained length may at times lead into depression.It is the hope that we attach to our circumstances however that lift us out of our rut, makes us think better of our circumstance, provides us with a cherished thought out of our situations improvement, shining a light into our prevalent darkness which can be the theoretical helping hand to get us back up on our feet yet again.
The best way I can answer this question is to simply ask another, Is the hope of a positive change important and necessary enough for you to want to keep it? If it is then you as a person will find the neccesariry way to somehow find it and use it accordingly, and once found will increase the importance of your yearning to store it within yourself, to help you whenever needed most. As people we often times are led through life by our emotions the feelings that we instantly get at a given moment. The glorious moments provide an exuberant and exhilerating feeling that doesn't at all need the effectiveness of hope, It is the grim days and sometimes the painful ones however that require it the most, and when it is both beneficial and crucial to our overall emotional well being. through the ups and down, life's twists and turns it is through hope that we stay afloat, keep our heads above water and have the necessary tool to carry on. Life at times can certainly be a bare to get through it can test us right to our very core all while trying in a unique way to find what were made of, yet it is through hope that inate belief turned on within us that catapults our desire to push forth, to seek the improvement we so desperately crave to have for the benefit our emotional mood and views at that presice and distinc moment.
Hope is the cure that helps heal us the medicine from the sickness of life's harsh realities and our navagational compus through the bad and difficult all the way to the good and mentally achievable. 
We give it the power it warrants, the meaning to it's important definition  as it guides us with a purposeful distinction waiting to be decoded in time, we just have to give it the green light and let it help guide us through the navigational journey of life.


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