Saturday, August 15, 2015

Dreams, we have them for a reason

Dreams we all have them, they're what were passionate about, have a desire to achieve in life and in many cases they're simply what we just can't live without.
The content of what we dream to be in life varies from person to person in specifics, but not in importance or in meaning. We feel that through the acquiring of that dream that we grow, improve as beings and better ourselves as a whole. It does beg the question however can we live without them, and a follow up second question as to whether or not we are better off by not having them if that particular goal seems to be an unattainable one to acquire?
I can only speak for myself when I say that while yes, you can live without dreams, it does benefit you not to, all of our lives we search for reasons that make our existence matter, we ask ourselves the all mighty powerful question as to why we suddenly get thrusted into planet earth and why we are even here to begin with. A question that is often times answered through initiated scope of our dreams, the specific road that we are destined to embark upon. A dream holds the power of our distinction, our reasoning,  and sometimes even our still unformed evolution.
Through dreams we show aspirations, desire, resiliency, passion and a commitment within the particular confines of what that goal symbolizes. Through that we garner a merited purpose, an unsymbolized meaning to who we are and what we represent as people. This gives life it's own reasoning and meaning as to what it represents in theory. As life can be the metaphorical obstacle course that sets the stage for our desired conquest, guiding us to our self completion.
To use a sports metaphor life is the season, and we are just the players on center stage thriving for the conquest of our acquired championship. The bad days, sudden obstacles we impose or is imposed on us by society is both the obstacle and the opponents that keeps us from winning it all.With a dream comes our purpose and makes life the adventure to our end result. Many of us navigate our lives through our dreams, it sets the model of not only what we want to be but who we wish to become.
In movies we love the happy ending where everything comes out right in the end, well in this reality with life as the stage, dreams provide that happy ending not in a movie but in reality's set stage. The long road of hard work is created by us, written through us and directed through each of us where after all of your sacrifice and commitment we provide the triumphant end.
 The reason I feel it is important to dream is simply because where are we without them if we don't?What are we striving for in our life's destination? Dreams providing a measure of expectation provides a meaningful direction to where we yearn to end up, and where we altogether wish to be, which is within itself a very powerful and precious gift that we give to ourselves. Through that direction the journey we embark on is that much more impactful and that much more important.
 We can live without dreams but the same way that living without hope and faith can make life more of a bare to appreciably get through, so can living without any dreams to someday accomplish. A dream is a hope we all wish to complete and by completing it we complete ourselves in the process. It is the prize in the journey of our lives a prize that in many cases defines us whether it be through eventual formed characteristics or in set definition.
Society is left better off through our meaningful dreams, and the more variety we produce in our goals the more balanced in beauty and distinction this world therefore becomes. I strongly believe we are better off for dreaming no matter the difficulty of the acquired prize it is the essence of what it represents that symbolizes its intention. What is difficult to attain is that much more meaningful when you finally possess it.
We are all blessed to be here for unknown specific reasons, dreams sometimes provide the clarity to those reasons the guided purpose of our traveled destiny. In dreaming we show a profound belief in ourselves in which we take a task, strive to achieve it the best way we know how, through the disagreed belief by some that we may not successfully accomplish that particular task, and we push ourselves to our farthest limitations possible. In turn seeing in us a remarkable view of certain innate character possessions we might not have even known we at all had beforehand. I am proud to be a dreamer, happy to have both a belief in myself and something to believe in. With it I'm striving for something truly precious and conclusively meaningful towards to who and what I represent that can't be measured in terms of opinions or financial worth, but rather in self distinction and self contention with who I am and where I stand in life,  and that can't be any more valuable in its computed weight and scope.
Dream, it's okay to, not only is it good for you and the direction you may someday take your life to, society is better off for it in the long run if you do. You just pursuing your dreams may inspire someone else to and many good things have certainly transpired due to one's wishful optimism to just simply dream. It may be hard to but let's face it most things in life worth getting annoyingly tend to be that way unfortunately,  but that doesn't mean that the prize at the end isn't at all worth getting, because it is. When you have a dream it's not a matter of it being hard or you being worried or scared as to whether or not you can achieve your particular goal or goals. Dreams are about having something to believe in, a passion that makes life that much more meaningful, beautiful, and worth living for while excitingly maintaining your stay here on earth, and having a profound challenge worth conquering in your quest for it, as you continue to mold yourself  to a set definition furthering yourself in advancements through the chase of those awaiting accomplishments. 

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