How do you define success? You would think that the answer would be, well rather simple, achieving success to many would be to prosperously position yourself with a luxurious job stretching that out into a prosperous career with good financial backing. The more money you can consume it feels like the more successful you become, Right, well not necessarily. I for one can completely vouch for one's happiness leading to their successes in life, a passion in striving for greatness within that particular en-devour leading to your impending happiness and succeeding in life.
Different goals and desires I believe define different people an aspiring painter yearning to be an accomplished artist is just as determined for success as an aspiring nurse, the same way a talented musician striving for a recording contract is just as passionate as a striving engineer. The difference is one being more lucrative than the other and more important to the society we inhabit, but the value in the particular goal truthfully rivals each other in comparison.
It is important to keep in mind that what we perceive as achieving true success is a very subjective matter, with differing opinion that can be discussed and waged on the issue.I believe to succeed is to achieve, and quite honestly that can vary quite a bit, success varies from person to person, a successful life differs from one mind to the next and it always has. What may be a goal for one person may not be a goal for another. Those who do not chase the high end and prestigious occupations should not be looked down upon but in my belief rather respected for not taking the conventional route to an achieved success based off of other perceived notions of what success actually is, that while prestigious and important are not the only ways to better society as a whole.Every distinct provided purpose that each one of us possesses within our existence makes this society as a whole better off for it.
A nurse,architect, engineer, and lawyer are all needed in this society that we live in, but the construction workers who build the buildings that people work in, the musicians who provide the eacape for those who need it including those who work in the occupations I mentioned above and the authors and actors who make a living at their craft can provide an escape from life's harsh times and realities that we many times love to escape into. There is a hierarchy to life but regardless of what's on the top or the bottom all the roles in that hierarchy need to be filled for the balancing of this society overall greatness. The same way everyone has a purpose is the same way every occupation has one as well. Each goal has a meaning that why dreams I guess are so important to us and why people's dreams differs for different specific reasons, it's a way of realizing our potential and having are will and determination gets us to unforseen heights we didn't think were possible, proving that they have a spot on earth's canvas just as much as they do in our imaginations.
We shouldn't look down on those who dream differently then we do when it is just as meaningful for them to dreams for the life goals they yearn to accomplish just as much as it is for you to dream the way you do. It has been said before that life is a play with each of us having a role in it, so wouldn't that make the play less impactful if one person wasn't performing theirs? Each one of us serving a distinct purpose benefits society and improves it for the better and with each one of us serving our roles to the best of our abilities we set the standard for the newer generations to come to do the exact same.
Success is what you make it to be, if it includes your own self happiness and contention to your existence, then aren't you at the end of the day living a successful life, I think so and honestly so should anyone else.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
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