Sunday, August 23, 2015

Kids films, the genre to watch

There are a lot of great movie genres out there for people to enjoy but to me none of them are as great as the kid movie genre. Children's movies in my opinion are the best genre going today in cinema, They're creative, action packed, funny, have a compelling story to keep you entertained throughout it's duration and often times provide a wonderful message that many kids can walk away with and benefit from.
This is not to slight any of the other movie genre's out there as well because they are in their own right very good to watch and to be entertained by, however, it is this genre in particular to me that I find stands out from the rest.
Kids films have a special way of incorporating so many different elements from other movie genre's and putting them together to make a wonderful viewing experience for it's main targeted audience. Take a movie like 2014's smash hit film the lego movie for example, a great film with many different elements incorporated into it that makes for a wonderful children's movie. Its incorporation of action, humor, great storytelling, great imagery and not to mention a great meaningful message that all kids can walk away with, makes it a truly fantastic film for any young child to watch and enjoy.
The lego movie is not the only film however, that incorporates all of these different elements into them and does so seemlessly. Movies like wreck it ralph, the toy story franchise and a film like Tangled all incorporate  those great elements as well to make for a wonderful cinematic ride.
What I find charming about children's movies are their captivating ability to be so relatable to it's core audience, whether it stories of overcoming obstacles, loving yourself, going on an adventure it has very relatable themes that many kids can appreciate and find very similar to their everyday experiences, giving them good perspective on life and how to deal with specific experiences.
Children's films can encourage kids when they doubt themselves, help them with their imaginations, show them the strenght that comes with being yourself, and how to showcase bravery in the face of fear. The incorporation of those good messages playing as the themes to many of these kinds of films helps give substance and meaningful depth through it's entertaining visuals. Kids can walk away from a children's movie being inspired, motivated, having to learn tough life lessons and being uplifted which is exactly what any parent who has a child would want them to gain from that cinematic experience.
Kids aren't the only audience that can enjoy these films however, many parents seem to enjoy them as well, and honestly who could blame them. When you see a film you simply want to be entertained by them, you also want them to have a compelling story and for many people they just want to be moved by it and children films do just that. In many ways it is also these kinds of films that serve almost as a trip down memory lane for some parents where they might be reminded of a time when they were in the same exact shoes as  a particular character on-screen, rekindle thoughts of times when they were afraid in life but had to overcome that fear, or just a time when parents weren't afraid to be adventurous or just a little bit insecure about who they were. Movies such as these almost serve a time capsule being played out through the visual screen, reminding all young adults and adults alike of what it was once like to be a kid but most importantly what it's like to feel like one as well.
Kids movies have an ability if given the chance to pull out your inner child and play up to the mental dynamics that you set forth thereafter. Another aspect  that I truly appreciate is their ongoing consistency of being good quality films that are entertaining for all ages to watch, when going to see these types of films,you can be rest assured that you will most likely get your money's worth for not only your child and but for you as well. Seeing an animated character having to learn from a life lesson or overcome an obstacle is not much more different than us as people constantly having to do the same in our everyday lives.
One of the things that I really love about these movies as well is their ability to remain fresh and innovative, movies from Pixar and Disney always seem to be provide a new creative and inventive concept and stories to delve into that children can easily dive right into, the same can't also be said for other movie genres who at times have a hard times garnering and generating a new creative idea for a new upcoming film.
Even though I am no longer a young male adolescent and as currently constituted stand as a full on adult now I can still revel in the imagination, storytelling, imagery and wonder that these kinds of films excel at with the profound lesson being sent to the viewer who watches being the proverbial Cherie on top of the Sunday. To be a fan of Children's movies you don't have to be a kid, mainly because kids movies can be relatable to anyone who watches them with an open mind, they're very easy to get into are extremely easy on the eyes visually they can open up the wonders of your past memories of adolescence, captivate you in it's adventure and move you with it's profound and useful message.
This genre of movies for me is the most consistent, imaginative, and most accessible of all the movie genres, I can even venture that it's the most say underrated one as well, as it appeals to all age brackets and demographics who watch these films. If you want to watch a movie there's many to choose from but if you were to choose from a particular genre, take it someone who loves them more often than not you can't go wrong with a kid's film.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Your valued worrth lays in wait

What is your valued worth? well in my own estimation it is anything you deem it to be and have the power to turn it into, as the power of your showcased greatness lies in your hands. Each distinct person truthfully has a purposeful role all while we each in our own way provide something wonderfully different and great, and can give back to the society in which we live in in our very own distinct ways. giving back can come in many different forms such as voting and getting others active in the voting process and in your own way making a change through that scale, or you can give of yourself by being charitable and giving back to those in need.
Many others may impact this society in different ways some in a smaller sense whether it means being a garbage man or mail man and other on a larger one such as going into the health profession and giving back by being doctors and nurses or simply through other high end occupations such as being an architect, lawyer, engineer or accountant, or by taking it a step further by going to other countries in need and aiding others in whatever way you can, whatever the contribution you apply whether it's one of the ones that I mentioned above or your something else you choose to do , we each have a purposeful hidden contribution to give forth to this society that benefits it for the better.
If you haven't found your purposeful reasoning yet, it's okay, you still can. As it stands already you are currently something important to somebody else out there, so within those confines of mental reasoning you already are in essence valuable. We as human beings are more than just one thing whether it's a son or daughter, best friend, brother or sister, nephew or niece or granddaughter or grandson or husband and wife, we've already impacted the lives of other people just through are mere existence.
The next step is capitalizing off of the given existence we have been provided and finding our own ways of benefiting others around us on a broader scope and benefiting our growth in the process. Those who give of themselves for the benefit of others such as soldiers, policemen or firefighters, better this society as a whole, and impact the lives of other in a profound way. The choice of your made up decision of how you may wish to do the same it may not be through those occupations but you may find your meaning in other ways where it eventually  may provide your own met distinction and therefore give you your valued worth.
 Everybody has a worth as one person each one of us is the equivalent of a small puzzle piece that needs your connection to set the scene to the overall bigger puzzle piece. You may not think your piece matters but in terms of its finished look it needs your included piece as it relies on your missing piece too, for it's total completion. In terms of value each one of us have one, we may not know what it is as of yet but we all will someday, as we all have a chance to compound off of that value and truly make something special out of it. how you make it special is all up to you but the important thing is that you can, now the only question left is, whether you will or not? 
I myself can certainly do more to find that missing value and do my part and so can everybody else as it lifts up the spirit of not only yourself but others in desperate need of it as well. Through our beings there is a significance to who we are and within the scope of that meaning there is a value of  unseen potential greatness waiting to be unleashed, with space being given through time a value can emerge in sudden blooming presence, now some of us may lose our way and and others may be lost at this present moment but we can always find our way back to the light once again, but with each existence I truly believe there is an importance that we can attach on to it where we give more power than we ever thought imaginable to others that can wonderfully benefit off of it. We each have a valued worth the most important is first knowing that you have one and second is knowing how to apply it to others in the world. It is then and only then that it shines out to the world lighting it up that much brighter and bettering society in the process.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Dreams, we have them for a reason

Dreams we all have them, they're what were passionate about, have a desire to achieve in life and in many cases they're simply what we just can't live without.
The content of what we dream to be in life varies from person to person in specifics, but not in importance or in meaning. We feel that through the acquiring of that dream that we grow, improve as beings and better ourselves as a whole. It does beg the question however can we live without them, and a follow up second question as to whether or not we are better off by not having them if that particular goal seems to be an unattainable one to acquire?
I can only speak for myself when I say that while yes, you can live without dreams, it does benefit you not to, all of our lives we search for reasons that make our existence matter, we ask ourselves the all mighty powerful question as to why we suddenly get thrusted into planet earth and why we are even here to begin with. A question that is often times answered through initiated scope of our dreams, the specific road that we are destined to embark upon. A dream holds the power of our distinction, our reasoning,  and sometimes even our still unformed evolution.
Through dreams we show aspirations, desire, resiliency, passion and a commitment within the particular confines of what that goal symbolizes. Through that we garner a merited purpose, an unsymbolized meaning to who we are and what we represent as people. This gives life it's own reasoning and meaning as to what it represents in theory. As life can be the metaphorical obstacle course that sets the stage for our desired conquest, guiding us to our self completion.
To use a sports metaphor life is the season, and we are just the players on center stage thriving for the conquest of our acquired championship. The bad days, sudden obstacles we impose or is imposed on us by society is both the obstacle and the opponents that keeps us from winning it all.With a dream comes our purpose and makes life the adventure to our end result. Many of us navigate our lives through our dreams, it sets the model of not only what we want to be but who we wish to become.
In movies we love the happy ending where everything comes out right in the end, well in this reality with life as the stage, dreams provide that happy ending not in a movie but in reality's set stage. The long road of hard work is created by us, written through us and directed through each of us where after all of your sacrifice and commitment we provide the triumphant end.
 The reason I feel it is important to dream is simply because where are we without them if we don't?What are we striving for in our life's destination? Dreams providing a measure of expectation provides a meaningful direction to where we yearn to end up, and where we altogether wish to be, which is within itself a very powerful and precious gift that we give to ourselves. Through that direction the journey we embark on is that much more impactful and that much more important.
 We can live without dreams but the same way that living without hope and faith can make life more of a bare to appreciably get through, so can living without any dreams to someday accomplish. A dream is a hope we all wish to complete and by completing it we complete ourselves in the process. It is the prize in the journey of our lives a prize that in many cases defines us whether it be through eventual formed characteristics or in set definition.
Society is left better off through our meaningful dreams, and the more variety we produce in our goals the more balanced in beauty and distinction this world therefore becomes. I strongly believe we are better off for dreaming no matter the difficulty of the acquired prize it is the essence of what it represents that symbolizes its intention. What is difficult to attain is that much more meaningful when you finally possess it.
We are all blessed to be here for unknown specific reasons, dreams sometimes provide the clarity to those reasons the guided purpose of our traveled destiny. In dreaming we show a profound belief in ourselves in which we take a task, strive to achieve it the best way we know how, through the disagreed belief by some that we may not successfully accomplish that particular task, and we push ourselves to our farthest limitations possible. In turn seeing in us a remarkable view of certain innate character possessions we might not have even known we at all had beforehand. I am proud to be a dreamer, happy to have both a belief in myself and something to believe in. With it I'm striving for something truly precious and conclusively meaningful towards to who and what I represent that can't be measured in terms of opinions or financial worth, but rather in self distinction and self contention with who I am and where I stand in life,  and that can't be any more valuable in its computed weight and scope.
Dream, it's okay to, not only is it good for you and the direction you may someday take your life to, society is better off for it in the long run if you do. You just pursuing your dreams may inspire someone else to and many good things have certainly transpired due to one's wishful optimism to just simply dream. It may be hard to but let's face it most things in life worth getting annoyingly tend to be that way unfortunately,  but that doesn't mean that the prize at the end isn't at all worth getting, because it is. When you have a dream it's not a matter of it being hard or you being worried or scared as to whether or not you can achieve your particular goal or goals. Dreams are about having something to believe in, a passion that makes life that much more meaningful, beautiful, and worth living for while excitingly maintaining your stay here on earth, and having a profound challenge worth conquering in your quest for it, as you continue to mold yourself  to a set definition furthering yourself in advancements through the chase of those awaiting accomplishments. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Teen Wolf Movie review

Favorites, we all have them whether it's a favorite artist, favorite movie, favorite food, or just a favorite album we love and enjoy listening to time and time again. This brings me to my topic of discussion in which I discuss one of my favorite movies of all time in the movie, Teen Wolf.
This movie follows the life of Scott Howard a struggling high school student yearning for a change in his everyday ho hum life. He yearns for the affections of attractive girl names Pamela, even though he already has the affections of a childhood friend named boof who secretly really likes him for who he is and for being an all around nice guy, and who scott likes as well but is very much head over heels over Pamela based off of the massive crush he has on her.
 Scott has his fair share of problems his high school basketball team stinks, he doesn't stand out from the rest of the crowd and the girl that he wants to be with is already taken,to make matters worse he's going through some changes in his life and, no I'm not talking about puberty, he's slowly but surely turning into a teenage werewolf, this type of change is a very unique and uncommon one for any young male adolescent his age but for me helps make the movie what it is. What is it you ask a fun 80's film that while cheesy and somewhat simple with its overall premise is a good film with an equally good heart attached to it.
Now is this the best movie that I've ever seen? well No. Is it a landmark production in movie making absolutely not, but what it is to me is a nostalgia rush, a love letter to the 1980's style and music and a film that is always fun to go back and revisit.
Why is it one of my favorite films you may ask? the reason it is, mainly has to do with the message that I feel the movie helps you walk away with, and that message is to appreciate what you have and appreciate who you are even though it may not look like you don't have it all. Scott may not be the popular kid in school, or like where his life is headed but he has a great father, good friends, and a very nice girl he can talk to about anything, in heinsight that's not too shabby.  Not everyone is going to be the most popular or even liked by that many people, but it's the appreciation from the ones who love you and for the person that you are that helps you see yourself in the best light possible, and I think that this movie relays that message home perfectly.
 You can't have it all and sometimes when you do it can be very stressful and overwhelming to deal with all that may come with it, as with great power comes great responsibility and what I love about this film is that it stresses that message wonderfully. Another strength of this movie is the lead actor who plays scott, Michael J. Fox. What I love about Fox is his ability to be so relatable to the viewing audience, and his masterful job of pulling on one's emotional heart strings through the look of his feelings and emotions. In this particular film he's able to make you happy for his successes, saddened for his personal trials and tribulations, mad at those who bring forth and negative conflict towards him, and a smile for the triumph he's able to attain.

 Fox is able to relate to the common man perfectly which automatically is able to draw in the most casual of viewers to his story, and with a film already being so relatable in it's universal themes of acceptance and searching for self confidence, his portrayal as the everyday young struggling male is exactly what gives this film it's charm. It also doesn't hurt that Michael J. Fox is a really likeable character and actor in almost any film that he does, showcasing that innate ability wonderfully  in this movie as he shines in this role as the somewhat sympathetic character you can easily get behind and can't help but to root on.
 The supporting actors in this movie play their roles well and give a good balance to the film in the process. His father does a job as his support system helping him deal with his recent transformation, to help him see the error of his ways when he messes up and to be there for him when fox's character needs it the most. Boof his childhood friend lends a really good touch to the film as the sweet easy to the talk to best friend who is quick to lend a sympathetic ear to all of Howard's problems. Mark Arnold meanwhile plays the the uptight bully who constantly looks down on Howard, and views him as nothing more than a freak, does a good job in playing the antagonist throughout the entire film.
This movie may not be for everybody and I can certainly understand if it's not your particular cup of tea. I however find this movie to be a great film, due to its theme that underlines the overall message of its wonderful story and meaning which is to be comfortable in your own skin and to embrace what makes you who you are. It's relatable, heartwarming and just a really fun film to sit down and watch. I for one highly recommend viewing it if you have the time, as I give it two thumbs up.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Defining Success

How do you define success? You would think that the answer would be, well rather simple, achieving success to many would be to prosperously position yourself with a luxurious job stretching that out into a prosperous career with good financial backing. The more money you can consume it feels like the more successful you become, Right, well not necessarily. I for one can completely vouch for one's happiness leading to their successes in life,  a passion in striving for greatness within that particular en-devour leading to your impending happiness and succeeding in life.
 Different goals and desires I believe define different people an aspiring painter yearning to be an accomplished artist is just as determined for success as an aspiring nurse, the same way a talented musician striving for a recording contract is just as passionate as a striving engineer. The difference is one being more lucrative than the other and more important to the society we inhabit, but the value in the particular goal truthfully rivals each other in comparison.

It is important to keep in mind that what we perceive as achieving true success is a very subjective matter, with differing opinion that can be discussed and waged on the issue.I believe to succeed is to achieve, and quite honestly that can vary quite a bit, success varies from person to person, a successful life differs from one mind to the next and it always has. What may be a goal for one person may not be a goal for another. Those who do not chase the high end and prestigious occupations should not be looked down upon but in my belief rather respected for not taking the conventional route to an achieved success based off of other perceived notions of what success actually is, that while prestigious and important are not the only ways to better society as a whole.Every distinct provided purpose that each one of us possesses within our existence makes this society as a whole better off for it.
A nurse,architect, engineer, and lawyer are all needed in this society that we live in, but the construction workers who build the buildings that people work in, the musicians who provide the eacape for those who need it including those who work in the occupations I mentioned above and the authors and actors who make a living at their craft can provide an escape from life's harsh times and realities that we many times love to escape into. There is a hierarchy to life but regardless of what's on the top or the bottom all the roles in that hierarchy need to be filled for the balancing of this society overall greatness. The same way everyone has a purpose is the same way every occupation has one as well. Each goal has a meaning that why dreams I guess are so important to us and why people's dreams differs for different specific reasons, it's a way of realizing our potential and having are will and determination gets us to unforseen heights we didn't think were possible, proving that they have a spot on earth's canvas just as much as they do in our imaginations.
    We shouldn't look down on those who dream differently then we do when it is just as meaningful for them to dreams for the life goals they yearn to accomplish just as much as it is for you to dream the way you do. It has been said before that life is a play with each of us having a role in it, so wouldn't that make the play less impactful if one person wasn't performing theirs? Each one of us serving a distinct purpose benefits society and improves it for the better and with each one of us serving our roles to the best of our abilities we set the standard for the newer generations to come to do the exact same.
 Success is what you make it to be, if it includes your own self happiness and contention to your existence, then aren't you at the end of the day living a successful life, I think so and honestly so should anyone else.