Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A bad day, let's face it we all get them, agonize over each excruciating second, minute and hour that we have to toil in our misery over that 24 hour time span. It can be frustrating to have to endure through bad circumstance after bad circumstance that we find ourselves stationed into, and to have that agonizing period of time feel like it takes forever to ultimately go away. I mean who wants to go through an unsatisfying  day where you're completely miserable, have to withstand various situations throughout the day where you face consistent bad luck and absolutely nothing at all seems to go your way.
I think it's say to say that we've all been there, I certainly have, where the thought of switching to another planet all of a sudden doesn't sound like such a bad or insane far fetched idea. Like all things however it takes the bad to really appreciate the good, for instance it takes a villain to appreciate the hero, a jerk to appreciate a kind soul and a cloudy rainy day to happily appreciate a bright and sunny one. You can't have the good without the bad and you can can't have the bad without the good.
         We may face the obstacles that make life seem like a complete and utter bare to have to deal with at times, but were in turn rewarded with the precious glorious days that make life worth living and it may just be a test to make us all stronger people. So remember if today is just one of those days where your stuck having a tough and horrible 24 hour timespan that at times can be unavoidable, do remmeber that it will not last, will go away, and will eventually feel like a fading memory in the grand sheme of things. Keep in mind that the universe eventually balances things out, so chances actually are facing a bad day sets up an even better one tommorrow, so just hang in there, believe in those better days arriving and they happily will.

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