Tuesday, June 9, 2015

the purposeful mystery

       Life is the still unraveled mystery we constantly wish to comprehend, yet as we charge to find its missing answers in unknown whereabouts the deeper it thickens in its enigma of confusion. We altogether yearn for the most part to elude its needless confused notion, rather to refer to its logical reasoning. The need for its understanding leads us to needing to confirm our place in its given canvas, all the way to the sound knowledge of why and how distinct circumstances transpire for certain unclear purposes to our known wisdom with it often looming large.
      The heavy toll of a mysterious view that we encompass with an existence that perfectly captures our essence incessantly wonders and also wanders for a perfected and sound knowledge of life. This state of enticement for what doesn't appear apparent makes our mental hunger for its hidden truth that much more palpable in its relevancy. It is however that hidden distinction that gives life a certain profoundly relevant aura that further broadens as we develop in our own processed human growth.
       It is that very mystery that blossoms our wherewithal of the processed cycle of life, our furthered understanding of our specific place in this societal landscape and why  each of our existences has a purpose and lastly why life itself has a distinct and auspiciously profound meaning. We would love to have the meaning of life all figured out, yet there's a beauty of connecting the pieces of its invisible worth that makes it a very alluring mystery that is quite honestly very fulfilling is its invisible scope.

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