Monday, November 2, 2015


Memories their sometimes profound, insightful, and at times very meaningful in our existence.We all have them and they come in two forms the good memories and the bad ones. Each distinctive in leaving a profound internal feeling within us all while helping shape the emotion in a human consciousness. How we look back on the existence we've had the privilege to explore thus far in our lives and have gotten to engage in or have been dispondent to fills a life's remembrance and gives the prominent meaning to our self view. A memory provides the mental conjuring of withheld moments no longer rendered in time but rather kept stored mentally, comfortably entered in the mind. We have them under lock and key occasionally to be open at a time of our choosing; at a time of perfect convenience and to remind  us where we've been and how far we've come. Memories connect the past to the present, connects what we've forgotten about and reminds us of meaningful ways of why it may resonate with our present and why in some cases it may have meaning towards our continuing evolution.

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