Monday, December 21, 2015

Our willingness to age

Aging we all have to get older sooner or Later but it's how we combat that reality that helps us unravel the beauty of it's comfortably hidden prize. As the days add up and the years go by we tend to view aging as an imaginary gravitational push towards our human expiration and ultimate mortality coming to an end; viewing our youth as being as good as it gets with no place to go from there but down. Aging in our minds then becomes perceived as nothing more than a mere disappointment mainly due to how we view ourselves adjusting to a life of newly met realities. how we see both our lives and ourselves as we grow older paints the narative and we then construct either the enjoyment of getting older through our mental self portrait or the plain regret and sadness we choose to attain from that mental visionary stance. It ultimately does beg the question have we somewhere along the line forgotten that we construct the view of our own self narrative.
         How we manage to live and why we manage to live is up to our our own measured jurisitication. An approached and initiated acknowledgement that doesn't change through time but that rather becomes more crucial as we grow and evolve as humans. Through that acknowledgement we set the standard the appreciation for what age we are what it may mean to us and ultimately what value it holds in our continued evolution throughout the duration of our lives. Getting older is just that, getting older, providing as many pros as it does cons. Making us all the wiser,appreciative of what we have and who we are and how precious our existence when refelected upon is in the grand scheme of things.
       Does aging have it's setbacks? absolutely, but just because you age doesn't mean that your spirit follows suit and does so as well. Living freely is done through one's commitment for doing so having a zest for life with the knowledge of how precious that youthful like exuberberance can be at any age; as it can have a huge impact towards how you want to combat life progressing forward. We are the existence of our permission, what we allow our lives to be and how we allow our lives to go paints  the portraits of our essence. refelecting the fight of our unbridbled passion for the will to live, spiritually reflecting us in the same light as our youth projecting us in the same view of our sometimes forgotten past.How old you are isn't as important as how old you live, as life still continues no matter the age and adventure still continues no matter the stage.
         Once we live by the number we get assigned we officially become that precise number as well. the same can't be said about living by the number you personally want and making life the adventure it should be. Aging is a process of human evolution that we can't control but what we do have a say on is the meaning and relevance we put into ourselves each day and navigating it in the direction of our desired view  and that we certainly we have all the say in. Act your age some may say and while that nay be true at times their are many other different occasions when it isn't and benefits you not to. Act how you feel and age loses a large portion of it's significance; take it a step further by not being tied down to a number and you allow yourself to view who you are in a whole new permitted light no longer connected to how old your age says you are but by how youthful your existence within that moment of  time frames you to be.

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