Tuesday, September 8, 2015

our differences equal our connection

Differences, what makes the world wonderful and special is precisely that. Whether it's a difference in ethnicity, race, culture, age, color and gender all have been necessary in defining not only human beings but life itself. Each one of us is different from one another in one way shape or form, we like different things from music, to movies, to books, to TV, we all have different dreams we wish to accomplish and we vary from one another in lifestyle, based off of how we choose to live to our lives.
We as people are designed to be different just as much as we are designed in many ways to be similar. It is those differences however that make us understand one another better to view one another in a brighter light and to grow as people from accepting those differences, and being able to respect it as well. Through one's respect for someone being different you accept them shining in their own light, thereby allowing others to shine beautifully in their own way as well.
understanding one's unique make-up representing who they are is up to us to create and respect and once we can do just that, we can go on from there to have an appreciation for what person in essence represents. We have the power to uplift others worthy sense of self, and grow as people as a result of doing that, as seeing the beauty in someone difference helps all of us see the beauty in other peoples differences as well.The United States of America symbolizes all people from all walks of life coming to one country and benefiting it through their presence, culture, language and ethnicity. We are connected through each race, culture and distinct difference that each one of those countries beneficially provides us. Through the presence of those who are different we learn, we adapt, we grow, we assimilate to others and their representative nature.
This in my opinion is what makes America as a whole so special and so attractive as a destination to embark upon and to stay in. It is our acceptance and our understanding of others no matter their appearance or culture or religion or sexual orientation that helps further distinguish America as a great country that is very much worthy of its reputation and praise. ONe person difference from us is not meant to be as much loved or hated as it is meant to be respected where within the confines of that respect can hopefully grow a civil appreciated understanding of the internal makeup of the different elements of what can make a person who they are in their met representation.

It is not our job to have the answer towards who someone is or whythe result of their visual distinction lives up to our own held requirements, but rather if their self expression lives up to their yet to be finished definition towards who they wish to conclusively represent themselves as. If we as human beings are walking representation of god's art then it should probably be left up to himto be able to merrit the proper distinc oppinion of what that valued artwork overall worth truly signifies. We as people can only appreciate the various differences that he created us with, and once we can understand that we can start to understand why each of us serve as a beautiful wonder waiting to be explored.

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